Our New FAVORITE at the beach!

Deservedly packed, and they don’t accept reservations (nor does the place need to! Every table was taken before 7PM). We sat in front of the open kitchen, and watched the magic occur! Iryna C was a phenomenal (and I mean top notch) waitress who obviously loves the place (she even eats here as a patron when not working!). She added to the farm-to-table charm and specialness of the fare by narrating for us each dish. The setting is relaxed, and every server we encountered was professional, unhurried, eager to accommodate, and smiling! When you come here you’ll order multiple small dishes and/or feasts fit for many, but be ready for a culinary treat (don’t come to Our Harvest if you prefer the simple bland stuff you’ll get in a hundred mediocre beach eateries at the same price or more!). We enjoyed novel, beautifully prepared and presented, prosuitto flat bread, lamb and sausage meatballs, balsamic glazed salad, a chock-full seafood paella large enough for 4, topped off with apple fritters. The menu changes appropriate to the weekly provisions, so rest assured we’ll be back again and again!